Brian Brushwood

The Trick That Fooled Brian Brushwood!!

The Real Secret of the Masked Magician

CHRIS RAMSAY Tricks Brian with a SOUND ILLUSION! 🥂(Try it yourself!)

One Simple Card Trick They'll Never Solve!

Who is Brian Brushwood?

Brian Brushwood - Spinning Cups routine

The time Brian Brushwood was conned 😲

Stump Master Magicians With This Card Trick

Brian Brushwood's SIMPATICO

Teach Your Kid a Magician-Fooling Card Trick (Where the Deck Does All the Work!)

The Secret to Seeing Through Bottlecaps! w/ Jason and Josie

HARD MAGIC TRICK Fools 2 Pro Magicians. See If It Fools You, Too. (w/ Joe Diamond)

Modern Rogue HQ Tour in Austin Texas! ft. Brian Brushwood and Jason Murphy!

Brian FOOLED By His Own Books Again! (w/ Joe Diamond)

Brian Brushwood's favorite card trick EVER

How To Roll Coins Across Your Fingers

How Brian Brushwood Became a Card-Carrying Skeptic

Teaching Chuck Liddell Magic! (w/@RichFerguson)

Why Resolutions are DUMB

Scam Master Brian Brushwood

Social scamming | Brian Brushwood | TEDxHartford

World's greatest card thrower VS. Brian Brushwood

How Brian Brushwood orders a drink

Find any card WITHOUT a TRICK DECK